Terms & Conditions


These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the purchase of Goods or Services supplied by Cristofoli International Limited. By placing an order, the purchaser is hereby legally agreeing with the following Cristofoli International Limited Terms and Conditions, unless any special terms have been agreed between us and authorised by Management.

The Company refers to Cristofoli International Ltd.

Basis of Sale

Orders are not binding upon us until all particulars have been supplied and we have agreed them in writing.

The description of Goods and Services is as set out in the quotation and confirmed on the Invoice.

All goods are sold ‘ex works’ unless otherwise stated.

Prices & Payment

All prices quoted are in UK Pounds Sterling (GBP), are valid for 30 DAYS only and are subject to change after this period.

Value Added Tax will be charged to and paid by the purchaser at the rate in force at the appropriate tax point.

Unless credit terms have been agreed, payment is due at the time of order. Funds are payable to the nominated bank account shown on the Invoice. 

Where credit is allowed on submission of our completed Credit Application Form, payment terms are 30 days net from date of Invoice. We reserve the right to alter or withdraw the Customer’s credit limit immediately on written notice.

If you default for any reason in making full and prompt payment, Cristofoli International Ltd. shall be entitled to suspend deliveries until full payment is made.

Delivery & Completion Dates

Material stock availability, existing works and machine capability sometimes hinder completion times, however we will notify you of any delays at the earliest opportunity.

All quoted delivery or completion times are approximate and whilst every effort will be made to meet such dates, we accept no responsibility for failing to deliver or late delivery / completion due to circumstances out of our control.

Cristofoli International Ltd. will not be liable in any circumstances for the consequences of any delay in delivery, or failure to deliver, if the duration of the delay is not substantial or if the delay or failure is due to an act of God, fire, inclement or exceptional weather conditions, industrial action, hostilities, breakdown, shortages of labour, materials power or other supplies, late or non-delivery or non-performance by suppliers or sub-contractors or any other cause whatever beyond our control or of an unexpected or exceptional nature.

No delay shall entitle the Customer to reject any delivery or cancel or repudiate the contract.

We cannot undertake to meet any schedule or Customer’s requirements supplied after the date of the contract and will have no liability for the delay in meeting or failure to meet all of any such requirements.

Unless otherwise expressly agreed, delivery of the goods shall be to the place of installation/fixing and the Customer shall be responsible for the unloading of the goods. The Company shall have no liability in respect of the costs arising from the Customer taking delivery or unloading the goods.

Cristofoli International Ltd. accepts no responsibility for any damage, shortage or loss in transit. Claims for this should be made on the carrier and any conditions imposed by the carrier in relation to the claims for damage, shortage or loss in transit should be complied with.

Risk & Title

All risks, damage or loss shall pass to the purchaser upon collection or dispatch from the Company premises.

The beneficial title and ownership of the Goods shall not pass to the purchaser until Cristofoli International Limited has received, in cash or cleared funds, payment in full.

At any time prior to full payment, we reserve the right to repossess any Goods or any part thereof and may enter on the Customer’s site/premises by its employees or agents for that purpose.

In the event of such repossession, the purchaser shall return the Goods at their own cost.


Cristofoli International Limited reserves the right to refuse cancellations of confirmed orders placed by the purchaser and refuse acceptance of goods returned to us without permission. We do not trade on a ‘sale or return basis’.

Returns & Refunds

Goods cannot be returned without prior, written agreement. Refunds or exchanges cannot be made on bespoke, made to order items as they carry no resale value.

The purchaser is under a duty to inspect the Goods on delivery or collection and services upon completion. In the unlikely event that an error has passed our quality control processes and any alleged damages or shortages are identified, please let us know no longer than 72 hours from receipt of goods or completion, so we can rectify the problem. 

The purchaser bears the risk and cost of returning any Goods.

Delayed Acceptance

If for any reason the Customer is unable or refuses to accept delivery of the goods when the goods are due and ready for delivery, we may arrange storage of the goods and the Customer shall be liable for the reasonable costs of such storage. This provision is without prejudice to any other right which we may have in respect of the Customer’s failure to take delivery of the goods or to pay for them in accordance with the contract.

Collection & Delivery Services

Goods are to be collected from Cristofoli International Limited in Southampton by the purchaser at a prearranged time unless alternative actions are agreed. We can arrange delivery of Goods, however there will be a charge for this service.

Quality & Standards

The purchaser recognises that all samples, drawings, descriptive matter, specifications and advertising issued or made by Cristofoli International Limited, or any descriptions or illustrations contained in our literature or on our website are issued with the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of Goods and Services described in them.

All natural materials supplied by us are subject to natural faults, markings, veining, fissures, vents, cracks and variations in colour and design. These are sometimes cramped, stopped or re-enforced and no claim on this account can be made. In some instances, industry standard techniques may be used to fill or glue certain materials to improve the stability and quality of the product.

We cannot take responsibility for any variations produced by nature or other manufacturers.

Any samples submitted are for guidance purposes only and exact resemblances cannot be guaranteed.

Drawings & Information

The customer shall, at their own expense, provide Cristofoli International Ltd. with all drawings, details, schedules, bills of quantities and all other necessary documents and information to enable the Company to manufacture the goods and execute the works. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, we shall not be responsible for the provision of drawings for the purposes of design, working, or installation of the goods or otherwise.

The Company is entitled to assume that all drawings, description, specifications and other information supplied by the Customer, whether written or verbal, is complete, accurate and entirely suitable for the Customer’s requirements.

Any extra work, requirement or modification in relation to the goods or their installation which is not expressly specified in the contract or quote, or which is expressly excluded by these conditions, and which the Customer requests shall be charged extra including an appropriate allowance for profit to the extent that such extra work increases the cost to the Company above the original quote or contract.


Any typographical, clerical, error or omission in any sales literature, quotation, price list, invoice or other documentation shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of Cristofoli International Limited.

Cristofoli International Limited reserves the right to revise our Terms and Conditions from time to time.

Force Majeure

Cristofoli International Limited will not be liable to the purchaser in any way whatsoever for; destruction, damage, delay or inability to carry out business arising out of; war or civil commotion, lockout and industrial disputes, failure of utility service or transport network, fire, storm, explosion, floods or bad weather, breakdown of machinery or plant, malicious damage, compliance with any law, governmental order, rule, direction or regulation or any act of God or default of suppliers or sub-contractors.

Cristofoli International Limited shall not be under any liability of any kind for non-performance in whole or in part of its obligations under the contract due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Cristofoli International Limited or one of our suppliers.


The Company is covered by employer’s liability and public liability insurances.

Data Protection & Privacy

Please refer to our ‘Privacy Notice’ on our website under the ‘Resources’ section.


These Terms and Conditions (including any non-contractual matters and obligations arising therefrom or associated therewith) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with English Law.

The contract, the formation, existence, construction, performance, validity and all aspects shall fall within the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

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